How the #WRC cannot be trusted in Ireland, #whistleblower exposes all


whistleblower exposes all
Proof the WRC cannot be trusted and that this body is another group of politically appointed cronies pretending to do the right thing

(i) Inconsistencies in the Conduct of Inspections and Failure to Follow Up on Breaches Detected.
(ii) Ongoing refusal by NERA/WRC management to effectively pursue widespread breaches of the Organisation of Working Time Act in relation to annual leave and public holiday entitlements detected at inspections

(iii) Fostering and deferring to political interference in the inspection process.

(iv) Failure to provide effective regulation of sectors of the economy which have been the subject of widespread public concern.
(v) The Negative impact of policing the Employment Permits Regime on the core work of the Inspectorate:


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