Whistle-blower Garda #Sergeant Eve Doherty framed by the DPP’s office, Senior Gardaí and Judiciary for exposing the truth framed by Detectives in NBCI GNBCI heavygang

Another hero Whistleblower Garda Sergeant Eve Doherty framed and destroyed for exposing the truth Whistle-blower Garda Sergeant Eve Doherty framed by the DPP’s office, Senior Gardaí and Judiciary for exposing the truth about how corrupt the justice system is in Ireland. Just as Whistle-blower Garda Sergeant Maurice McCabe, Whistle-blower Garda John Wilson, Whistle-blower Garda Sinead Killian and Whistle-blower Garda Nicky Keogh have been, along with so many others. “An Garda Síochána remains a very dangerous place for those brave enough to speak out” https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41009240.html Mick Wallace Leader's Question with Taoiseach on Garda Commissioner's Smear Campaign “ Noirin O’Sullivan talked yesterday of a campaign of false accusations against her. Is she saying that Maurice McCabe was lying? David Taylor? Keith Harrison? Nick Keogh? Sinead Killian? Eve Doherty? Dermot O’Connell? And others? Are they all liars?” https://www....